We are a platform that develops high technology dedicated to the optimization of resources, which facilitates processes and generates agility in the entire logistics chain.
Delivery management and monitoring system,
that allows more assertiveness in the tasks,
reducing costs and increasing agility.
Scripting activities
Management of deliveries and collections
Calculates whether tasks have been completed on time
Complete sales management system,
that allows greater planning, effectiveness
and positivization of operations.
Sales order
Order history, notes and titles
Company news
Content to assist in sales
Allows mapping by region
Accompany team in real time
Generates graphs for better analysis
Communication through messages
Complete travel adjustment system,
who does the budget management,
sends invoices and driver balance,
all in real time.
Manage the travel budget
Expense posting
Report launch
Sending vouchers and invoices through photos
Historical and credit status and refund status
Effective tracking
Generates graphs for better analysis
Communication through messages
Delivery management and monitoring system
vehicles, which generates more safety in transportation
of the goods that are delivered through displacement.
Surveyor geolocation
Checklist on vehicle pickup and delivery
Inspection schedule routing
Point management and monitoring system
and working hours, more accuracy in the record
generating more assertiveness.
Score employees on the move
Control of beginning and end of the journey
Real-time team tracking
Allows control of multiple branches in the same system
Individual or team monitoring
Point closure
Generates graphs for better analysis
Communication through messages
Management and monitoring system
work order, more efficient execution
various types of service.
Service order execution
Accept or refuse the service order
Real-time service information
Company news
Generates graphs for better analysis
Communication through messages